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SubjectTopic: Working Culture

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Calendar Event: Working Culture - Event Date: 24 Aug 2007
Posted: 26 Aug 2007 at 10:10am By Guest
Working Culture Observed with Indian Officers Compared to Weaterners..
Indian Senior Officers Come late on watch ( chief officers). Westerners always on time.
Indian Chief Officers require meal relief(1600-2000 watch). Westerners never do...They eat after eight pm
Indian Masters rarely keep watch.. Westerners always ensure junior officers do no keep more than one watch of 6 they keep one watch and come there on time..
Western Masters always do thier own paper work including port papers but indian masters always require an assistant.
Indian officers fill up work permits after work is carried out/ Westerners do it before
Western Masters have no problem with playing music on the bridge(softly) indians are very stuck up about this.
Indian Masters boast of how they abused thier Masters when they were junior officers but seldom like anyone crossing thier line.
Western chief engineers are often seen on deck working with thier own hands Indians are seldom seen doing the same..
Indians treat thier cadets like sh*t but westerners train diffrently and produce better officers.
Indians officers are arrogant to thier subordinates but Westerners are usually polite..
Indian officers rarely say please and thank you to Stewards serving them at the table But westerners never fail to do so..
Indian Officers keep thier cabins in a Mess(junior officers especially) Check out fillipino crew cabins and feel some shame...Call them Bandar's then we must be junglee
Indian officers are always on the lookout for quick promotions without worrying if they are experienced or qualified for the job..
Whenever a weaterner changes company they join a new company on a lower rank but Indians will not be willing to do so (EGO) maybe indian manning companies cheat so maybe the reluctance...
Indian Deck and Engineer officers squabble like children instead of finding common ground to run an efficient ship..
The list is endless,, And we call ourselves professional............................
The List is endless

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