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.: 20-Mar-2023 :. Search News
Displaying 1 to 10 of Records.
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TSTC Workforce Training and Continuing Education Maritime Welding program fills need of Texas workforce
The Texas State Technical College Workforce Training and Continuing Education Maritime Welding program has helped train students since its inception in 2021. Individuals learn tough technical concepts during an eight-week period to prepare for the Texas workforce,.. -Brownsville Herald

Posted On:20-Mar-2023

Seatrade Maritime Logistics Middle East Set To Showcase Opportunities In The Region's Offshore Marine Sector
Held under the patronage of the UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, Seatrade Maritime Logistics Middle East, the flagship event of the UAE Maritime Week, will shed light on the region's offshore marine sector that is an increasingly important market segment within the maritime sector... -MENAFN.COM

Posted On:20-Mar-2023

Avikus to demonstrate self-sailing solution 'HiNAS 2.0'
Avikus, a South Korean self-sailing solution developer affiliated with Hyundai shipbuilding group, will check the efficacy of decreased fuel consumption and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of its autonomous navigation system called HiNAS 2.0...

Posted On:20-Mar-2023

UK: Maritime Skills Academy Announces New 3-Year Training Partnership With Red Funnel
The Maritime Skills Academy has announced a new 3-year training partnership with Red Funnel and welcomes the Isle of Wight ferry firm as the first users of their a 2nd ‘full-mission’, 270-degree bridge simulator. The new partnership will enhance Red Funnel’s performance and safety... - Island Echo

Posted On:20-Mar-2023

What Do You Do if a Hacker Takes Control of Your Ship?
You stand on the bridge and the course is seen digitally. Still, why does the ship continue to turn west? On the computer screens in the dark wheelhouse, everything looks normal - but outside the window, the land comes dangerously close! What is happening?.. -The Maritime Executive

Posted On:20-Mar-2023

Can VSAT be used for remote maritime and shipping applications?
Maritime and shipping operations are increasingly relying on remote communications to enhance their operations. VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) is a satellite communication technology that can help these operations extend their reach to areas beyond the range of terrestrial networks... -CityLife

Posted On:20-Mar-2023

Croatian Police Detonate Giant WWII Mine at Port of Rijeka
On Sunday, Croatian authorities towed off and detonated a 1,500 pound WWII-era mine at the port of Rijeka, a key seaport on the country's northern coast. The mine was partially buried in sediment in Rijeka's inner harbor, a few hundred yards from the historic waterfront, and it went unnoticed until June 2022... -The Maritime Executive

Posted On:20-Mar-2023

The Role of Maritime Internet in Offshore Communications and Operations on Ships
The maritime industry is undergoing a revolution in communications and operations, thanks to the introduction of maritime internet. Maritime internet is a specialized form of satellite internet that is designed to provide reliable, high-speed internet access to ships at sea... -CityLife

Posted On:20-Mar-2023

India: Pursue the idea of ocean aquarium in Goa, Union minister tells state government
Union minister of state for science and technology and minister of state for earth sciences, Jitendra Singh, said that there was a need to create an ocean aquarium and that the proposal needs to be pursued with the tourism ministry. Singh was speaking to a delegation from Goa,.. -Times of India

Posted On:20-Mar-2023

India: Call for academia’s deeper engagement with maritime studies
In his address at a lecture series hosted recently by the UGC Centre for Maritime Studies, Pondicherry University, the former Vice Admiral reiterated the importance of conceptual clarity in the field by illustrating how small missteps could lead to misdirection and thus, wrong approaches... -The Hindu

Posted On:20-Mar-2023
